The Zanesville Daily Courier September 16, 1861
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The Zanesville Daily Courier September 16, 1861
Ball's Cross Roads Skirmish that occured on September 11, 1861
"The advance of a large reconnoitering force of Confederate troops in the neighborhood of Ball's Cross Roads, and the destruction of the property of known Union men were renewed this morning." Mentions Basil Hall and Charles Upton.
The Zanesville Daily Courier
Public Domain
September 16, 1861
Public Domain
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th-D CUM of : II.IIK WASUISCTUW, S«j.t. 11.--The advance of isrpe rrcnonoiteiiu; fore" of Cotilcderat trjof.-s in the D*i;;hborliiod of Hull's Cro« RyuJn,'mil tb» iii ^l^uctiull of t!:e propcrt; ol kiiuwu Union racn. w;re rnji'»c r l this mor niu^. They dri/v» in O'ir {lickvli to within linli u mii'u bl tliv rojii;, soa» lo get po «i'.;ii uf a huuKu uwnrd by u colored mat iiaiufj Sems Jicijnci, which thi'V burned i ! "« ground. Heainrlt and tin wif.j were twu weckt a^u, and t'.krn Suutb. Th n « t i n i l « 'o » ,..,., ,,. ,l, o ,,, w ) lft I,,-.. t ,,fT,.r...l "·" J -3 O. l»0»t W-lO liavp HJIIl rt"J !«a»t b~n WL- e«l«r be con- Tho which I" gtaf i; M^ tecret »u paltl fc'klnj blood from our blood But tit lit. Hud pill Sold the the «t rrt-J by lb toccb of thb encrny, m« UusH Hill, who* h'ju-0 is located n ini'i; nud a f]U»rt«r to ritfi.l of tli'i Cri'ii It-iad*. E v e r y t h i ibliublt? hfllonyin,' to birr., wns di-trnycd, Cftiun^ sis c.iwj, which our troops mcctedcd in bearing away thin n) urn inc. Ilia loss six thousand iJollan. This wan the bouse ternatvly occupied by ibe Confederate el» nnd our im-ri. ilnll navs bo previouf ly suffered much troni tbe destruction of furoi- turn by the member* of the lie Kalb, York Kedmcm, for which he has made a bill of Juuini.;'8 o.'uinit tlju Government. I Mr. Whippli* uiid Thomas nnd SarBuel | Durch also suifered by fire, the bci:i 0 ' e.\lj»ded to all known Union men. The dwoilin^' of ilon. J. Ii Upton, near Falls Church is spared, in the Confederates ocaupy it, acd have Iur»e force in that vicinity. Tbe portion of eflairs at Munson's Hill re rani.'is unchanged. Ku lar^e force \s vini bl»? thij side of the entrenchment. In a ikirmiah last ni^ht near Ball's Ronds. it is feared that a Lienteunnt in third Vermont Raiment, and thre» privates in the n i n t h Majanchusett's Ilepimom, natnea could not be aajertBined, were taken prisoners, as they are missing. One of oar men was wounded. From n ^ rominent position of tho Virginia side of the .liver to-day, a dense of smoke was seen in the direction of Court Houso, th-' Confederate* evidently burning tbe woodd in that direction, around their fortification. . Nearly all the re;rimen:s in tho ncipbor- hood of Arlington IltMghu and Chain were out under anus .Iiirls; r.U lust night. The artillery practice is daily continued the Forts. The Liucjln Cavalry composed of two companies frotn Pennsylvania, one from Michi- ;uu and nine from New York, is now thoroughly organized, and the field and staff officers having been sworn in as follows: CoL McKeynolds, Lieut. Coi. Von Schikeiuss, formerly of the Prussian army, Majors C. Ogle, late of the regular army dragoons, W. AHnms, who raided two of cotapanies New York, end Auj;u8tn« Howard, formerly ot the Prussian army. Adjutants. Battcrsbv of New York, Q M., B. II. IJwiy, formerly Michigan; Chaplaip, Her. Raleigh, !atU;ij'yof Newark, an old an intimate friend of Co!. McReynoUl*.
The Zanesville Daily Courier, “The Zanesville Daily Courier September 16, 1861,” Mapping the Civil War in Arlington, accessed March 14, 2025,