Letter from the Fourteenth

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Letter from the Fourteenth


Wounded Union soldiers


A letter from a soldier of the New York 14th to his father regarding the recent battle at Manassas and his being wounded.


The Brooklyn Daily Eagle


September 6, 1862

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Letter from the Fourteenth.

Extract of a letter from a member of Co. H 14' h Brooklyn.

Cranch Hospital. Washington, Sept. 1, 1862.

To the Editor of the Brooklyn Eagle:

My Dear Father -

Thanks be to God, I have again been spared, after passing through the fearful ordeal of battle, but this time not without a mark of the enemy upon me. You have no doubt wondered at the long delay in answering your last letters, both of which were duly received. Four weeks since we were at Spotsyl vania Court House, and while there we received orders to march for Culpepper, where we duly arrived. During this lour weeks we have had but three undisturbed nights' rest, and for thirteen days we have been under fire. You may judge from this how much time I have had to write in fact, even if I had the time there was no mall. Last Friday night I was wounded while going to the front with the color sergeant, who was urging on the men. The enemy had a trap for us at usual. opening with musketry and grape in our front, and musketry alone on the flanks, thus having us between three fires It was so hot that we were forced to flee back, and as I was turning I received a bullet in my right heel not serious, but extremely painful. I managed to hobble off a abort distance, and then fortunately came across two or our sergeants who carried me to the hospital. I lay there all night, suffering the most intense agony as it was not our Division Hospital I could not have my wound dressed. However, in the morning, our surgeon came around with ambulances, and we were removed to more comfortable quarters. I left Manassas Junction yesterday morning in an ambulance, ar.d did not arrive in Washingtoni till 8 o'clock this morning. I am now as comfortable as I can possibly be. We are supplied with all kinds or luxuries. Captain Davey was shot dead on Friday night, and a number or others. The next day our First Lieutenant was wounded in the leg so badly that it will be necessary for him to lose it. Our first sergeant, 3d and 5ih, were also shot or wounded. I will write more when I feel a little stronger. I heard nothing from Tom. Love to all.

Your affectionate son, W. W. Davis, Jr.



The Brooklyn Daily Eagle, “Letter from the Fourteenth,” Mapping the Civil War in Arlington, accessed March 13, 2025, https://mtcwia.com/items/show/215.

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