Important News from Washington

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Important News from Washington


Report on skirmishing along the lines near Falls Church


Brief account about the observatory at Upton's Hill where Union forces can observe Confederate pickets in Falls Church.


New York Times


October 16, 1861

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The Rebels Supposed to be Falling Back

All yesterday afternoon and last night our pickets on the right heard the rumbling of heavy wagons on the road from Great Falls to Vienna. Whether the rebels were going from or towards Vienna is only to be conjectured, but it is probable they were falling back on the main body at Vienna.

A Reconnaissance on the Leesburgh Pike

Yesterday afternoon, a detachment of the Fourteenth and Forty-ninth New York Regiments, under Col.. McQuade, made a reconnaissance two and half miles from Falls Church, on the line of the Leesburgh turnpike. They vainly endeavored to draw out a party of rebels who were concealed in the woods. There was sharp firing on both sides but certainly without Injury to any of our troops.

Advance of the Rebel Pickets

The rebels soon after advanced their pickets somewhat nearer to out lines. Protection had been promised to the estate by the administrator, who is in the rebel army. Mr. Barrett, the father-in-law of Mrs. Childs, has a fine residence in that vicinity, and it is apprehended the enemy will also destroy it, as he is known to be a Union man. He is from the State of New York.



“Important News from Washington,” Mapping the Civil War in Arlington, accessed March 14, 2025,

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