Taking of Mason's and Munson's Hills

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Taking of Mason's and Munson's Hills


Union and Confederate skirmish near Upton's Hill


A Confederate report on the Ball's Cross Roads skirmish. Great detail of the rebel units that participated and the activities of Major Terril and JEB Stewart. Worth looking at the ads in the paper as well.


Correspondent from the Richmond Dispatch.


The Charleston Daily Courier


September 9, 1861


Public Domain

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SJttnntshtnjT of the Arm of the Potomac — A stirring skirmish took place yesterday- in the advance of the army of the Potomac For over ten days our forces have been gradually driving in the- picnrts oi the enemy and closiug up our lines seizing ande' fortifying strong positions Having possession of Munson's Mason's and Upton's Hills aud strengthened them byisuitable entrench ments u was thought advisable to push oa stilt lurtner in tne direction ot Arlington to occupy Hall's Hill a mile further ia the advance where the enemy was posted in some force Col Corse's Alexandria Regiment and a detachment of the Washington Artillery were dispatched for this pur- pose The eaemy defended the positioa at first with some spirit but soon retired atter a loss of between one aad two hundred killed and wounded The Confederate loss is estimated at about twenty The day before Col Jeakias eommandiag one of the South Carolina regiments attached to Gen — — — "mm Him Armpcc o sm ry to kjsk aucr the two regiment reported to be encamped oa the other side of the Potomac in the vicinity ofthe Great Fall Colonel Jehkin march-ed eighteen miles starring at eight fa tha morning and reaching his destination the next mowing about two hears before day Waitiag fbOhe grey if T IZZZIZI Jtfirl mrrJmA I! "I "Crrrirrr A rVrJl ZZT" were posted as reported just as they were prepar ing for tneir morning drilL They made no resist nee but fled precipitately leavias- it is believed two or three hundred killed aad wounded There waaao pursuit as the river was -up too deep to tura For aow more than ivrsr th rln nfhaithe has beea thrown dowa to McCWllae by the Confederate Generals and as yet he has aot dared to pick it up days beea in sight ©T Washington The Confederate Flag has been flvinr ia full viw of the Lin coln Cabinet "Dixie has beea discoursed morn ing and eveninr bv our reviment! band ia ear shot of the Federal troops i still thev keen closely to their lines aad dare aot Veatareout ia force — What indeed has become ofthe Graad Army ? ' Richmond Examiner- ' 1 a"f v S::'- " AT1 MIL"— A correspondent ofthe Bich- aua -Bttcaruvr says: Munson's Hill where our flaa- it now ftviaar tri umphant overlooks the eapitol aad part of Wash-iagtoa the Navy Yard and Potomac and sever! f the camps of the enemy What we are doinff thereabouts is aot worth while to aav The balloon was fired at twieaToB Fridav vniar with oae of i the rifled cannon of the Washtagtea Artillery aad a aot neea aeardot since The distance was about a mile aad a half aad it wB Barlv dowa at the last shot aad whea tbe smoke cleared could not be seea Possibly it was struck ' -! - - -T



Correspondent from the Richmond Dispatch., “Taking of Mason's and Munson's Hills,” Mapping the Civil War in Arlington, accessed April 26, 2024, https://mtcwia.com/items/show/154.

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