Report from Washington

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Report from Washington


Correspondent report from Washington regarding military advances in Virginia


Report details the advance of General George McClellan and his troops to occupy Upton's Hill and Munson's Hill recently vacated by Confederate troops.


The Zanesville Courier


October 1, 1861


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From Washington. September 30.

Our troops while occupying grounds vacated by the enemy, have burned houses and destroyed property to a considerable amount. This will. be investigated as McClellan strongly condemns it.

The whereabouts of the enemy have not been discovered. Their pickets are discernable at distant points.

Special to Post.

Our troops across the Potomac are in fine spirits today.

General McClellan is evidently taking such precaution as to ensure the success of any further movements that he may make.

The prominent positions at Munson's hill, Falls Church and Upton's Hill, which were so suddenly evacuated by the enemy, have been strengthened by large bodies of troops. Our men are now engaged in throwing up strong field works The advance of our army is slow and cautious.

It is believed here that the rebel forces are concentrating between Acquia Creek and Manassas Junction, with the right wing on the Potomac. A messenger, who has just arrived from the Chain bridge brings the report the rebels are in strong force at Leesburgh.



“Report from Washington,” Mapping the Civil War in Arlington, accessed March 13, 2025,

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